Welcome to NF Winter Training! Below you will find all the information that you need for the camp.

This page is private and only accessible through the link you have received via email.

Please have in consideration that this agenda can change, but you will be informed if it does.

A – (2011/10/09 & 2008/07) – Gonçalo Moura, Tomás Saraiva & Filipe Ferreira
B – (2006/05/04) – Gonçalo Moura, Tomás Saraiva & Filipe Ferreira


Saturday, 8th of February
08:30-09:00 Registration A and kit delivery
09:00-10:15 Training session A
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Training session A
11:45-12:15 Theoretical session for A
13:00-13:30 Registration B and kit delivery
13:30-14:45 Training session B
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-16:15 Training session B
16:15-16:45 Theoretical session for B
Sunday, 9th of February
8:45-9:00 Registration A
09:00-10:15 Training session A
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Training session A
11:45-12:15 Theoretical session for A
13:00-13:15 Registration B
13:15-14:30 Training session B
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-16:00 Training session B
16:00-16:30 Theoretical session for B

Senja Storhall

  • Address: Islandsbotnveien 2, 9303 Silsand

Staff contacts

  • Jørgen Engenes, Local partner: +47 965 09 500
  • Goncalo Moura, Head Coach
  • Tomas Saraiva, Head Coach
  • Filipe Ferreira, Goalkeeper Coach

Any questions during the weekend please contact Jørgen.

Guidelines and Rules

Guidelines for parents

It is important that the parents contribute in a positive way to their child’s development, and do not cause any negative experiences. A parent can and should have an important role in their child’s sport development.

  • Prioritize the child’s needs and goals – not your own
  • Have conversations focusing on development – not necessarily current accomplishments
  • Have a close dialogue with the coach before you give tactical advises so that the player does not get in a conflict of interest between parents and coach
  • Remember that football is a team sport: even though NF Academy develop individual players, we also aim to develop the participants as team players. A better performance as a team, will lead to a better performance as a player.

Rules for parents

The following rules are included to make sure the sports program can be accomplished as planned in a positive and friendly way, without unreasonable intervention. Violation of the rules can lead to expulsion of parents and player(s) from the event, that is both the sport program and the hotel.

  • The coaches are in charge during NF Academy’s events and are responsible for the players. All parents need to respect and comply the coaches’ instructions.
  • Do not intervene in the decisions of the coaches. This includes the tactics, choice of players positions, group division etc during warm-up, session/match and straight after. There will be opportunity to speak with the coaches after the training/match (after the coach is finished with the players).
  • Do not intervene with the players during warm-up, session/match and straight after. The players need to stay focused until the session is over and the coach has allowed the players to leave.
  • Do not complain to and about the opponent teams and the referee

Rules for players

Violation of the rules can lead to expulsion of parents and player(s) from the event, that is both the sport program and the hotel.

  • The coaches are in charge during NF Academy’s events and are responsible for the players. All players need to respect and comply the coaches’ instructions.
  • No phones, computers, tablets etc except when the coaches accept the use
  • Check and respect the daily schedule (don’t be late!)
  • Respect your coaches, team mates, opponents, referees and parents
  • Bad attitude on and off the field will not be accepted
  • Do not leave the area where the group is staying (hotel, sports fields etc) without permission from either coaches or parents

Food Requirements

Below you will see a nutrition guide that has been made in cooperation with a nutritionist. This is something we consider important for players success, development and health. In this tournament you might not have all the options, but it is something we recommend the players to follow at home. This is surely just an advice for your kids, not an obligation for the tournament nor elsewhere.
– João Plantier, Academy Director

Buffet for Breakfast / Snacks

  • Still mineral water;
  •  Fresh fruit – whole piece and/or sliced with no added sugars;
  • Juice 100% fruit with no added sugar or light juice;
  • Semi-skimmed milk (heated and still);
  • Flavour yoghurt (liquid or solid);
  • Bread (mix of cereals), whole grain bread or bread with seeds;
  • Neither or low added sugar cereals – oat flakes, whole wheat flakes, rice and wheat flakes, barley flakes, corn flakes;
  • Ham (preferably poultry);
  • Cheese (preferably light);
  • Light or vegetable butter;
  • Fruit jam (strawberry, red fruit or peach);
  • Honey;
  • Coffee;
  • Tea (individual packs);
  • Yellow sugar;

Buffet for Lunch / Dinner


  • Soup base: courgette, sweet potato, carrot, onion and turnip; ▪ Lunch soup (all crushed) – pumpkin /carrot/turnip;
  • Dinner soup – cress / spinach / green bean / cabbage soup;


  • Meat dish: chicken, turkey, lean pork or beef, with no skin or fat;
  • Fish dish: any type of fish;
  • Confection of the meat/fish: grilled, stewed or cooked in the oven, neither or low added fat oils/sauces;
  • Rice and pasta – boiled in salted water;
  • Potato / sweet potato – boiled in salted water or cooked in the oven, neither or low added fat oils/sauces;


  • Cooked: incorporated in the dish or boiled in salted water or steamed, neither or low added fat oils/sauces;
  • Fresh salad without seasoning in separated plates: lettuce, grated carrot, sliced tomato and onion;
  • Condiments: olive oil, cider vinegar, fine salt, oregano and lemon;
  • Beverage: Still mineral water & juice (100% fruit without added sugar or light products)
  • Deserts: Fresh fruit (whole piece and/or sliced with no added sugar), fruit salad (with no added sugar), and jelly;


  • 1 packet of semi-skimmed milk (200ml);
  • 1 packet of crackers (4-6 units) or 1 cereal bar; ▪ 1 piece of fruit (apple, pear or banana);
  • Tea (individual packs);

Lunchbox for Pre / Post Match

  • 1 bottle of mineral water (0,5L);
  • 1 piece of fruit (apple, pear or banana);
  • 1 box of juice 100% fruit with no added sugar or light juice (200ml);
  • 1 sandwich: mix bread or whole-grain bread with 1 slice of poultry ham and 1 slice of light cheese;

1) Bring football shoes for artificial grass and shin pads.
2) If necessary bring snacks/fruit/nuts for refill between sessions. There will not be served any food.
3) Water bottle
4) The trainings will be indoor.
5) All players train in NF Academy clothes, so if you have it at home – bring it. The ones that ordered will receive at camp. If you did not order, we will have some extras to purchase at the camp.
6) Parents/family are welcome to observe the sessions. We encourage that. We are aware some parents are coaches, but please let the coaches handle the coaching. See our guidelines attached.

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